Treatment for TMJ Disorder

TMJ Treatment in Beverly Hills, MI

What is TMJ?

If you’re experiencing pain in your jaw and head as well as clicking noises when you chew, you could have an issue with your TMJ. Your temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are located on either side of your jaw near your ears and are vital in the opening and closing motions of your jaw.

The Causes of TMD

Because it’s a complex joint, there are many potential causes of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and it can be difficult to pinpoint the reasons behind every case of TMD. But there are a few known causes of TMJ issues.

Sometimes, TMD is caused by the disk eroding or moving out of place, the cartilage is damaged by arthritis, or the joint is damaged in an accident. Though the cause of your TMJ issue may not be clear, it’s still possible to treat it.

Symptoms of TMD

Common symptoms of TMD include:

  • A sore jawbone joint
  • Inflammation in the jawbone or joint
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Aching face and jaw
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Headaches

Your TMJ and Arthritis

One reason behind some cases of TMJ issues is arthritis. If you’re affected by osteoarthritis, the disease may destroy the cartilage in your joint and cause issues when you chew and speak.

In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, the jaw is often one of the last joints to be affected. If it is, it can destroy your jawbone and cause misalignment of your teeth.

Treatment for TMJ Issues

No matter the cause of your TMJ problems, Dr. Karl Winter can help relieve your pain with a convenient treatment solution. He has extensive experience diagnosing and treating this complex issue, so he’ll be able to determine the best treatment solution for you.

When you come in for your free consultation, our team will ask you about your symptoms and examine your head, neck, mouth, and TMJ. He may perform additional diagnostic analyses if necessary, then develop a treatment plan.

Your treatment options at our office include:

  • Medication
  • Relaxation Techniques
  • Physical Therapy
  • Surgery
  • Oral splints
  • Nightguards

Mouth & Throat Exercises

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy may be helpful to help you strengthen and relax your jaw muscles. These exercises can help relieve pain and make you less likely to experience it in the future.

Stretching & Massaging

Stretches and massages can help to relieve pain in your jaw and also loosen your muscles so they’re not strained. Often, TMJ can be caused by or worsened by tense muscles in the area.

Relaxation Techniques

Practices like meditation and yoga are great for relaxing the whole body, and they may be able to help your TMJ. They can relax the muscles in your jaw so you feel less pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Jaw issues can make your life difficult — but they don’t have to. our team and our experienced team can find the right treatment plan to get your jaw feeling better.

To learn more about how we can help you, call our office at 205-822-3222 or fill out our convenient contact form, located on this page. our team offers free consultations, so let him take a look at your jaw and show you how he can improve your life.

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